As we all tend to do this time of year, I was reflecting back on 2012. It's certainly been a year of challenges for our family, but in the middle of whatever we may have been enduring--heartbreak, hardship, tough decisions--we had a constant, an anchor, a faithful God who was more than able. Although we prayerfully and with tears were begging for deliverance, He chose to work things out in a way we never would have seen, allowing us to face and experience some things that we were afraid of. Taking pieces of life that we never would have thought relevant to what was happening, He used them for our benefit. We saw Him move and truly work all things together for good-even the bad things-and I learned once again that it isn't what He delivers us from, it is what He delivers us through. Perhaps someday I'll tell the story, but not today. It is still something between me and my Father, held in my heart to fill me with faith and hope for this new year in a world that is seemingly spinning out of control.
Have faith. Be joyful and full of hope, for our God has overcome the world and He promises to never leave you or forsake you. If you have difficult things to walk through, if you are lonely, grieving, heartbroken, discouraged...take heart and cast your burdens on Him. He will be with you through every hard moment, holding you up when you are falling, wiping your tears when your heart is breaking and then helping you to stand victorious on the other side. He will put the pieces of your life back together. He keeps His promises.
"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23