Monday, December 3, 2012

The One You Can't Put Down

“A first child is your own best foot forward, and how you do cheer those little feet as they strike out. You examine every turn of flesh for precocity, and crow it to the world.
     But the last one: the baby who trails her scent like a flag of surrender through your life when there will be no more coming after–oh, that’s love by a different name. She is the babe you hold in your arms for an hour after she’s gone to sleep. If you put her down in the crib, she might wake up changed and fly away. So instead you rock by the window, drinking the light from her skin, breathing her exhaled dreams. Your heart bays to the double crescent moons of closed lashes on her cheeks. She’s the one you can’t put down.” ― Barbara Kingsolver, The Poisonwood Bible

It has been years since I read The Poisonwood Bible, but this quote has stayed with me, never failing to touch my heart.  Originally having decided to stop after having 2 kids, Jay and I both felt that we were supposed to have one more.  As I am an EXTREMELY miserable pregnant person, this was no small decision for me.  So we had our Maddy...the baby who came with no more coming after. I truly, truly cannot imagine my life without this amazing, brilliant, kind and precious girl. 

Maddy is growing up into a beautiful young woman. Where do the years go?  So fleeting.  Don't let a day go by without hugging your kids, telling them you love them, and making time for them even when you feel you couldn't possibly spare a moment. 

Love you, Peanut.  Thanks for all of the hugs, kisses, snuggles and love.  I am sooooo proud to be your mama.

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