Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'll Fly Away

Oh the memories that music can resurrect.  Never do I hear the old hymn I'll Fly Away without thinking of my Mamaw.   Though it was many years ago and I was just a kid,  I remember it as if it were yesterday.  The church building in Cooper, TX., with Papaw occupying the pulpit up front. The sermon winding down and the invitation being issued. All of the congregation standing to sing.  Now, my Mamaw may not have had the best voice, and ofttimes she sang off key, but on that day she sang that song, loudly and in that Texas twang,  with all of her heart. I can still hear it. It makes me smile.

"I'll fly away, Oh Glory, I'll fly away.
When I die, hallelujah by and by, I'll fly away."

Thank you, Father, for special memories. We hold them close to our hearts until the day that we fly away.

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