Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Bit Wistful

I woke up long before the rest of my family this morning. My teenagers excel at sleeping in and Jay must be tired, as he is still in bed and it is currently 9am. Lazy Saturday morning...lovely.  Unfortunately, I awakened to a rather nasty scene outside--huge snowflakes and lots of wind to blow them around. It is a good day to stay inside, make a yummy brunch (when everyone decides to get out of bed), and dream of summer.  Yep, longing for summer grass, bare feet, brown skin, fresh veggies, movie nights on the lawn, dinners on the deck, farmer's market, thunderstorms...ahhhhh....


  1. It' s chilly here tonight, but your photos reminded me of warm summer days. And love that hat - it's very 'me'!

    1. That is my hat, modeled by a darling little 2 year old daughter of a friend. I think it looks better on her. :)
